
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
H. Enghoff, Reboleira A. Sofia P. S.2014Redescription of Iberoiulus cavernicola Ceuca, 1967, and the relationships of the genus Iberoiulus Mauriès, 1985 (Diplopoda, Julida, Blaniulidae).
H. Enghoff, Reboleira A. Sofia P. S.2013Subterranean species of Acipes Attems, 1937 (Diplopoda, Julida, Blaniulidae)
H. Enghoff, Reboleira A. Sofia P. S.2013A new cave-dwelling millipede of the genus Scutogona from central Portugal (Diplopoda, Chordeumatida, Chamaesomatidae)
G. Mazza, Reboleira, A. S. P. S., Gonçalves, F., Aquiloni, L., Inghilesi, A. F., Spigoli, D., Stoch, F., Taiti, S., Gherardi, F., Tricarico, E.2014A new threat for the groundwater ecosystems: first occurrences of the invasive crayfish Procambarus clarkii in the caves of Europe
R. Molero, Bach, C., Sendra, A., Montagud, S., Barranco, P., Gaju, M.2013Revision of the genus Coletinia (Zygentoma: Nicoletiidae) in the Iberian Peninsula, with descriptions of nine new species
V. I. C. E. N. T. E. M. Ortuño, Gilgado, J. D., Tinaut, A.2014Subterranean Ants: The Case of Aphaenogaster cardenai (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).
V. M. Ortuño, Reboleira A. Sofia P. S.2010Description of the third instar larva of a hypogean ground beetle, Trechus alicantinus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae)
M. Prieto, Mederos, J., Comas, J.2015A new species of Laemostenus Bonelli, 1810 (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Els Ports Natural Park (Catalonia, northeastern Iberian peninsula)
A. Reboleira2005Qualidade da água da nascente de Anços (Serra de Sicó) com o uso de fitoperifiton
A. S. P. S. Reboleira, Enghoff H.2014Millipedes (Diplopoda) from caves of Portugal
A. S. P. S. Reboleira, Enghoff H.2014Millipedes (Diplopoda) from caves of Portugal
A. S. P. S. Reboleira, Enghoff H.2013The genus Boreviulisoma Brolemann, 1928—an Iberian-N African outlier of a mainly tropical tribe of millipedes (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Paradoxosomatidae)
A. S. P. S. Reboleira, Gonçalves F.2011Livro de resumos do II Encontro Ibérico de Biologia Subterrânea
A. S. P. S. Reboleira, Gonçalves, F., Orom{\'ı, P.2011On the Iberian endemic subgenus Lathromene Koch (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae): description of the first hypogean Domene Fauvel, 1872 from Portu-gal
A. S. P. S. Reboleira, Gonçalves, F., Orom{\'ı, P., Mendes, L. F.2012Squamatinia algharbica gen. n. sp. n., a remarkable new Coletiniinae silverfish (Zygentoma: Nicoletiidae) from caves in southern Portugal
A. Reboleira, Sendre A.2013Iberian Meetings of Subterranean Biology–regional initiatives towards a global comprehension of subterranean ecosystems (2009–2013)
A. S. P. S. Reboleira, Vicente V. M.2011Description of the larva and female genitalia of Trechus gamae with data on its ecology
A. S. P. S. Reboleira, Zaragoza, J. A., Gonçalves, F., Oromi, P.2012Lusoblothrus, a new syarinid pseudoscorpion genus (Arachnida) from Portugal, occupying an isolated position within the Holarctic fauna
A. Sofia P. S. Reboleira2012Biodiversity and conservation of subterranean fauna of Portuguese karst
A. Sofia P. S. Reboleira, Abrantes, N., Orom{\'ı, P., Gonçalves, F.2013Acute Toxicity of Copper Sulfate and Potassium Dichromate on Stygobiont Proasellus: General Aspects of Groundwater Ecotoxicology and Future Perspectives
A. Sofia P. S. Reboleira, Borges, P. A. V., Gonçalves, F., Serrano, A. R. M., Orom{\'ı, P.2011The subterranean fauna of a biodiversity hotspot region-Portugal: an overview and its conservation
A. Sofia P. S. Reboleira, Enghoff H.2014Insular species swarm goes underground: two new troglobiont Cylindroiulus millipedes from Madeira (Diplopoda: Julidae)
A. Sofia P. S. Reboleira, Gonçalves, F., Orom{\'ı, P.2013Literature survey, bibliographic analysis and a taxonomic catalogue of subterranean fauna from Portugal
A. Sofia P. S. Reboleira, Gonçalves, F., Orom{\'ı, P.2013Cave-dwelling fauna from Karst Areas of Portugal
A. Sofia P. S. Reboleira, Ortuño, V. M., Gonçalves, F., Orom{\'ı, P.2010A hypogean new species of Trechus Clairville, 1806 (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Portugal and considerations about the T. fulvus species group
A. Sofia P. S. Reboleira, Sendra, A., Gonçalves, F., Orom{\'ı, P.2010The first hypogean dipluran from Portugal: description of a new species of the genus Litocampa (Diplura: Campodeidae)
A. Sofia P. S. Reboleira, Zaragoza, J. A., Gonçalves, F., P., O. {\'ı2012Lusoblothrus, a new syarinid pseudoscorpion genus (Arachnida) from Portugal, occupying an isolated position within the Holarctic fauna
A. Sofia P. S. Reboleira, Zaragoza, J. A., Gonçalves, F., Orom{\'ı, P.2013On hypogean Roncocreagris (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones: Neobisiidae) from Portugal, with descriptions of three new species
A. Sofia P. S. Reboleira, Zaragoza, J. A., Gonçalves, F., Orom{\'ı, P.2010Titanobochica, surprising discovery of a new cave-dwelling genus from southern Portugal (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones: Bochicidae)
A. Sendra, Achurra, A., Barranco, P., Beruete, E., Borges, P. A. V., Herrero-Borgoñón, J. J., Camacho, A. I., Galán, C., Garcia, L., Jaume, D., others2011Biodiversidad: regiones biogeográficas y conservación de la fauna subterránea Hispano-Lusa
A. Sendra, Arnedo, M. A., Ribera, C., Teruel, S., Bidegaray-Batista, L., Conde, B.2012Revision of Cestocampa Condé (Diplura, Campodeidae), with description of a new species from caves in the eastern Iberian Peninsula
A. Sendra, Garay, P., Ortuño, V. I. C. E. N. T. E. M., Gilgado, J. D., Teruel, S., Reboleira, A. Sofia P. S.2014Hypogenic versus epigenic subterranean ecosystem: lessons from eastern Iberian Peninsula
A. Sendra, Reboleira A. Sofia P. S.2014La extensión y los límites de la fauna en los hábitats subterráneos
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith